Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cycle of a D/s relationship

Right now work has me far far away from home, not real certain but i think Shrek lives just down the street from me. Anyways work can be quite taxing mentally and  emotionally. The other day when I was talking online with my sub, she picked up on my attitude. she had already asked to go workout and I permitted it.  So while we talked I allowed her to get ready to go. One thing that submissive's training has done for us is sharpened her sense of awareness of her Owner. she is more 'in tuned' now to me. Moving on. I had asked her if she was ready to go. she replied with, "As long as my Owner needs me, i'm not going anywhere!" I was so proud of her. I am so proud of her. I told her silly little girl haven't you figured out the Owner/sub relationship. Owner is always going to need or want something from you. Which means submissive isn't going anywhere. And of course the banter of 'lols' and smilie faces was preformed. Then I explained the cycle of our relationship.

The cycle

Owner needs/wants something from his submissive,
submissive desires to meet the needs/wants of Owner,
Owner takes it from his submissive,
Owner rewards his submissive.

I asked her if she understood which she did. she is quite the natural at being a submissive. Then I questioned her further, even though submissive has in her capabilities to please Owner, who is still in control of the cycle. And her response was right on the money, my Owner does. He will still take whatever he wants even if submissive is not willing. Great! she also understood that submissive is rewarded always with praise when she is willing and has pleased her Owner. We talked a little more about O/s relationships. I then summed the whole thing up like this. submissive worships Owner, Owner praises submissive. Even though I'm light years away, I could hear that bell go off in her head and see the light bulb come on over her. she responded with, 'that's right, that's exactly how i feel and that's exactly what Owner does for me when i've pleased him'. I told her great job my love, you make me proud. Now go to the gym.

Aww, yet another milestone passed by my little submissive.


1 comment:

  1. im learning Owner...and i have such a great Owner to teach me!
