Rules for my Submissive

Rules for Little Girl

These rules are for Owner's cherish and be-loved Little girl. These rules are for her benefit and are the guidelines for Little girl's life role. When Little girl follows her Owner's rules correctly, she will be such a pleasure to her Owner. Little girl's purpose will always be to live out her life for the pleasure of her Owner. Pleasing her Owner is the reason for everything Little girl does. Her role is that of her Owner's servant and Little girl will get great satisfaction from pleasing her Owner and in Owner's petting of Little girl's hair and telling her that she has done a wonderful job. Little girl's Owner takes great pride in her and enjoys showing the world his prized possession. Little girl will in time become a perfect submissive to her Owner.

  • Ownership:    Little girl  will be forever owned and the property of her Owner. She makes no claims to her life, her body, her mind, or her heart. They belong only to her Owner. Her Owner will love, comfort, protect, provide security, nourishment, dedication, and all things that Little girl needs or wants. Little girl will at all times keep her Owner informed of her location and activities. As a symbol of her Owner's property and a sign of Little girl's life, she is to always wear the collar of her Owner's. Her Owner is always with her no matter how far away or how close he is, Little girl is always in her Owner's heart and on his mind. 
  • Submission:   Little girl  will be in constant submission to her Owner in all aspects of the life she has given her Owner. Little girl is to show her submission to her Owner by being in full beauty on her knees at Owner's feet taking her Owner in her mouth. Little girl is to ask permission if not in her Owner's chambers. If in Owner's chambers submission is when Little girl wants to or when Owner given her command. 
  • Obedience:    Little girl  will be obedient to her Owner without question. Little girl is to carry out or perform her Owner's instructions immediately and with a grateful heart that her Owner has given her instructions. Little girl will ask for permission in whatever she does.
  • Dependence: Little girl  will depend on her Owner for everything about the life she has given Owner. Little girl is to show her dependence on her Owner by being between Owner's legs when in his bed, taking in the enjoyment of Owner's cock in her mouth filling her with his nourishment if he chooses to. Owner's nourishment is his gift to Little girl, to have him flowing through her giving his all to her whenever he chooses too. Little girl's act of dependence is done all through the night while being comforted by her Owner in her mouth. 
  • Appearance: Little girl  will always be seen and not heard. Little girl is to always dress sexy and classy for her Owner no matter where she is or where she is going with or without being in her Owner's presence.
  • Respect:       Little girl  will respect the Big 3: first and foremost respect her Owner, second respect herself, and third respect other men that she comes in contact with. Little girl will always look her owner in the eyes when talking with her Owner. Little girl will not look other men in the eyes as to not encourage them to move on Little girl. Little girl is to not allow other men to touch her without her Owner's permission, this is respecting her Owner's property.
  • Discipline:     Little girl  will be disciplined by her Owner whenever and however her Owner decides is fair for any infraction Little girl has committed against her Owner's rules. Little girl will accept whatever punishment Owner gives her and will do so no matter how she feels about the punishment.
  • Seating:       Little girl  will sit on Owners right side at all time in every seating situation unless Owner says otherwise.
  • Standing:     Little girl  will stand on Owner's right side. If Owner is talking to another man, Little girl will stand silently behind Owner on his right side within his reach.
  • Walking:       Little girl  will walk along side Owner's right side. If Little girl desires, she can walk under Owner's right arm for more security.
  • Talking:        Little girl  will speak only when spoken too. If Owner is with her, she will receive permission first before speaking. When Little girl speaks, she will do so with a small and submissive voice that is pleasing to hear.
  • Serving:      Little girl  will be a servant wife to her Owner. Little girl is to lay at her Owner's feet whenever possible, kissing his feet often to show her role in her Owner's life as his servant wife. Little girl's desire is to serve her Owner however he directs and does so with pride and confidence in her life's role.
  • Commands: Little girl  will know her Owner's commands for her and will preform them immediately to the pleasure of her Owner. When Owner issues a command, Little girl will preform the command no matter the time or place and without apprehension. Owner's commands: Now, Loving Kitty, Soft Kitty, Good Kitty, Playful Kitty, Adoring Kitty, Hungry Kitty, Gumby Kitty